Don't flounder–flourish!

”I commit myself to connecting, caring, and communicating
to foster flourishing
in the interdependent web.”
“The good life is a process, not a state of being,” wrote Carl Rogers. “It is a direction, not a destination.”
In a pivotal moment in my twenties, I intentionally chose to look forward rather than backward. I committed myself to creating a life worth living, refusing to be defined by a painful past or others’ agendas. I embraced the wisdom of humanistic psychology, that we each hold a unique potential, one that blossoms in a nurturing environment.
My inner voice began to steer me on a hopeful journey-- one fueled by courage and love, supported by mentors and friends. As I pursued my passion for understanding human behavior, I earned a PhD in social psychology and enthusiastically began teaching college. I also fell in love, married, and had my first child. One day, while holding baby Sara in one arm and struggling to write comments on term papers with the other, my inner voice whispered that it was time to shift to full-time mothering. So I did. And I had a second child, Eric. And I eventually returned to teaching.
All these experiences confirmed what self-determination theory posits--that to flourish, we each need to experience autonomy, competence, and connection. It dawned on me that psychology was only worth sharing if it could help people flourish. I boldly began designing courses and workshops to share psychological principles for positive impact at work, home, and school. My efforts were well rewarded, and I realized this was my life's mission.
​My children matured as my marriage ended, leaving me adrift at midlife. I accepted a position at a vanguard college where faculty mentors guided adult students in self-directed learning--convincing me to never return to the traditional classroom. Amazingly, at this time my travels led me to my soul mate in Argentina. I immersed myself in this new culture while Roberto established a berry farm. I found work as a translator and began studying positive psychology under Dr. Martin Seligman, founder of Positive Psychology. His vanguard Authentic Happiness Coach training program steeped us in the research and applications from the new science of well-being. From there I leaped to intensive coach training, a Professional Certified Coach credential, a spot on the MentorCoach faculty, and launched my dream career of promoting flourishing as a positive psychology coach.
Since 2006, I've enjoyed an international practice, partnering and celebrating with clients as they advance in academia, build businesses, develop personally, and create their best lives at work and home. To reach larger audiences, I began writing and teaching as well, co-authored Women's Paths to Happiness and editing the award -winning All But Dissertation Survival Guide newsletter. For MentorCoach, my coaching alma mater, I designed a positive psychology coaching training track that includes my two master classes on flourishing and on goals, habits, and performance. I've even been featured in the New York Times.
Over time, many threads have woven themselves into my coaching tapestry--from psychology, neuroscience, health and wellness, psychotherapy, ancient wisdom traditions, and experience. Clients and students appreciate that I draw on all of these resources to offer the tools and perspective for their growth in well-being, happiness, and success. These range from simple hacks to positive psychology exercises to Buddhist parables. No one has a monopoly on human flourishing!
Finally, I aim to walk the talk every day because authenticity matters. When my beloved Roberto died, I relied on many of the same strategies I share with others to lean into my grief and construct a new path of happiness and meaning. Life is still good--and will surely offer me more opportunities to grow in resilience, wisdom, and compassion. I can say from the depths of my being that my enhanced version of positive psychology really works.
You have your own path just as I have mine. Perhaps they will cross. Meanwhile, I intend to keep connecting with others, affirming their humanity, and nurturing their potential by sharing the best psychology has to offer. It's my best life!
Gayle Scroggs, Ph.D., C.M.C., P.C.C.